Bis 14. Juni 2019 / Through 14 Jun 2019
Installation view, SCHIRN Kunsthalle Frankfurt (2019)
Installation view, Kai Middendorff Galerie
Although he is not well known to the general public, Bruno Gironcoli (1936–2010) is considered to be one of the most important international sculptors of the second half of the twentieth century. He was an artist’s artist par excellence, having taught Franz West and Udo Rondinone, among others.
To this day, his work is shrouded in legend. This is due to the fact that his enormous sculptural organisms, measuring roughly 5 x 5 x 3 m, are hardly ever exhibited because of the expense involved—particularly not outside Austria. His appearance in the Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2003 was a rare exception. All the more fortunate that the SCHIRN Kunsthalle is showing five of his large works until 12 May. With his complex sculptural organisms that reach up to five metres in height, he created a remarkable body of work. ‘I have never seen anything like this before’, wrote Kasper König after his first visit to the studio. When he became the commissioner of the Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2003, he chose Bruno Gironcoli to represent his home country.
After having previously organised three solo exhibitions for Bruno Gironcoli in Munich, Kai Middendorff is presenting the exhibition Secret(the title of one of the works shown), which is the first exhibition of works by Bruno Gironcoli in his Frankfurt gallery space. We are pleased to be able to show twelve fascinating aluminium castings and ten works on paper (mainly screen prints up to 170 x 120 cm).
Dies wäre noch wenig ohne die enorme Qualität seines einzigartigen, künstlerischen Ausdrucks. So, wie die Rezeption seiner Werke ein aktiver Prozess des Betrachtens ist, ist auch schon die Werkgenese durch und durch prozessual. Element um Element fügt Gironcoli zusammen. Feinsinnig modellierte, wie gewachsen erscheinende, organische Partien treffen auf solche, die – wie z.B. die ‘Kopfhörer‘ im Werk der Einladungskarte – eher technisch, mechanisch erdacht zu sein scheinen und somit von einer funktionalen Schönheit sind.
Interview mit Christine Gironcoli anlässlich der Ausstellung in der SCHIRN